Hugo UnoCSS Starter

🌠UnoCSS ⚡Hugo Static Site💨

This UnoCSS upgrade used to be based on WindiCSS (hence the project name). It started life as a hybrid of hugo-with-windicss for WindiCSS CLI integration and hugo-theme-tailwindcss-starter for theme layouts and basic header+navigation.

UnoCSS: Apparent Heir and Successor to WindiCSS

WindiCSS is dead. Long live UnoCSS!

UnoCSS replaces WindiCSS and brings its whole atomic CSS advantages and it’s even faster than WindiCSS. This is excellent but now some of my sites that use WindiCSS based on this starter are outdated and I’d rather migrate them to UnoCSS that has a future. I found @goldcoders huno project using hugo and uno helpful and you may find tips there or that it’s a better starting point for your project.

Thanks to @pontakornth, @dirkolbrich and @goldcoders for sharing their work!

What’s Added?


TailwindCSS was taking over 20 seconds on development startup and build using the recommended Hugo pipes PostCSS integration. This was a much older version of Tailwind, v2 days. Similarly, there wa a heafty multi-second delay penalty anytime TailwindCSS needs to rebuild all its classes.

I ❤️ TailwindCSS but that’s too slow to be fun.

I’ve tried enabling JIT mode to reduce CSS overhead and improve startup time, like on other Jamstack systems (generally done this way with App frameworks, 11ty, VUE, Svelte, etc…), but it fails with the recommended Hugo PostCSS integration.


The Speediest!

For a 5 page site, this stack both builds for production and has development up and running in under 5 seconds!💨

I’ve found UnoCSS to be faster than WindiCSS which is generally faster than TailwindCSS, JIT or otherwise. Uno & Windi add some niceties too, including the group syntax (available via UnoCSS Variant Groups Tranformer) md:flex md:etc and !lg:block (!important) enhancements. The downside to using the Windi or Uno CSS enhancements is that you can’t just switch to TailwindCSS without refactoring their use.

I haven’t kept up with Tailwind v3, so these comments may be only relevant to older versions.

Example Site

Try before you buy! View on Netlify


  1. git submodule add themes/unocss-starter
  2. cd themes/unocss-starter/exampleSite
  3. pnpm install (or npm install, yarn install)
  4. pnpm example (or npm run example, yarn example)

Integration to Use as Site Theme

  1. Update config.toml, set theme = "unocss-starter"
  2. Copy uno.config.ts and package.json from exampleSite/ to project root (/)
  3. Run pnpm install (or yarn install npm install) in project root
  4. pnpm dev

Optional: Customize Theme

  1. Copy (or rename) theme for customization: cp themes/unocss-starter themes/my-theme
  2. Remove .git from copied theme: rm -rf themes/my-theme/.git
  3. Update /uno.config.ts and /package.json scripts: replace unocss-starter with my-theme


Key files

Paths are relative to the theme root

*.css under assets/css/modules will be combined and delivered as 1 CSS file. UnoCSS will only expand @apply and @screen directives in assets/css/modules/site.css as configured.


MIT License